The Department of Labor and Employment is mandated as the primary policy-making, programming, coordinating and administrative entity of the Executive Branch of the government in the field of labor and employment.
By 2030, DOLE XI shall be a highly competent organization providing fully automated quality labor and employment programs and services with committed personnel working together towards ensuring full, decent and productive employment for all Davaoeños.
To promote gainful employment opportunities, to develop human resources, to protect workers and their welfares, and to maintain industrial peace.
DOLE XI is committed to uphold the highest standards of excellent public service by promoting, as a way of life of its personnel, the following core values:
D – Duty above all
Commitment to public interest – Upholding public interest over and above personal interest.
Responsiveness to the public – Extending prompt, courteous, and adequate service to the public.
O – Objectivity & Integrity
Justness and sincerity – Remaining true to the people at all times, not discriminating against anyone; and respecting the rights of others and refraining from doing acts contrary to law, morals, good customs, public policy, public order, public safety and public interest.
Simple Living – leading modest lives appropriate to their position and income.
L – Loyalty
Political Neutrality – providing service to everyone without discrimination and regardless of party affiliation or preference; non-participation in any partisan political activity at the expense of public service.
Commitment to Democracy – maintaining the principle of public accountability; committing to the democratic way of life and values; and upholding Constitution at all times.
Nationalism and Patriotism – being loyal to the republic, to the Constitution, and to the Filipino people and being obedient to all laws, rules, regulations and other legal orders of duly constituted authorities.
E – Excellence
Professionalism – performing duties with the highest degree of excellence, professionalism, intelligence, and skill.