The incumbent shall be responsible in ensuring that products are
being delivered to the accounts at its optimum time and quality, from
the warehouse to the accounts.
1. Assists warehouse personnel in ensuring accurate quantity of
products being loaded for delivery.
2. Ensures maintenance of the proper product stocking level in
the truck and at the drop-off area of the accounts.
3. Aids delivery crew in ensuring safe transport of products by
using the strategic loading guide, to further prevent BO cases
(Crushed, deformed packaging, etc.)
4. Assists DSP in preparation of products being sold to outlets.
5. Ensures acknowledgment of delivery made to accounts by
requesting account representative’s signature on the delivery
slip, after they check on the delivered stocks inventory.
6. Receives BO products from outlets, with supporting BO return
slip form, duly signed by the account/ outlet personnel.
7. Ensures submission of accurate and complete payment
remittances and collections to Accounting
8. Performs other tasks as assigned by his/her superior if deemed