Our company details
JobsConnect Manpower Agency, Inc. is duly registered and existing with
the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the Philippines as well
as with Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA).
LICENSE NO. POEA-090-LB-082622-R
Units 1102, 1103, 1104 The One Executive Office Building,
No. 5 West Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines 1104
+63 2 83734221 (Phone Fax)/ +63 2 83734221
overseas_recruitment@jobsconnect.com.ph (Official Company Email Address)
richell.caldo@jobsconnect.com.ph (Main Point of Contact)
For more information about JobsConnect Manpower Agency, Inc., please visit the website at
Our services
With a growing demand for flexible, skilled workforces and professional hires, we have distinct
approaches to the market. We offer tailor-fit solutions ensuring continuity and cultivating long-
term relationships between the principal and the candidate.
Our solutions
For general positions, we focus on the flexibility, industry know-how and qualifications of the
candidate and tailor fit them with the unique needs of our principals.
To fill positions requiring specialised professionals, we have networks of experts and consultants
who can find the right candidates that will match the requirements and how they’d be able to
contribute to our principals’ competitiveness.
Strategic sourcing
We understand that great hiring doesn't happen by chance; it's the result of a series of
thoughtfully planned and well executed procedures.
Every position should have a sourcing strategy. At JobsConnect, we know when to use traditional
recruitment source and when to rely on the innovative way of direct recruitment. We believe in
the power of technology and that social media is a boundless channel in obtaining personal
connection with our candidates.